Monday, January 23, 2012

Dr. Appt Update, Wisdom, Sweet Prayer Time, and more

     Okay, I feel like this HUGE load has been lifted off of my chest and I can relax a little. I went in for my appt this past Thursday to get the results of my latest CT Scan. My cousin Karen went with me bc I was extremely nervous about this appt. My coordinator had sent me a really, really, I mean really brief explanation of my scan, but at the end of the email, she stated,"the surgeons would like for your case to be resubmitted for review." HUH??? What does that mean? Are you telling me they might remove me from the list? I received the following email- "If you have any further questions about your results, you need to make and appt for this upcoming Thursday."  So, I made an appt and I was on edge, scared to death for the next week. I hate that I immediately thought about the worst case scenario right off the bat. So, this past Thursday, I went to see my doctor and before he came in, I had a good interaction with my coordinator. She told me more about my scan and explained what she meant about the review. I am up for review because my score will go up by 3 points in February ( all that worry for nothing). Then, she said that the last time they received a B liver, my name was right up there at the top.  HALLELUJAH!! I instantly smiled and told her how this is exactly what I had been needing to hear. I thanked her and tried to contain my excitement. Next, Dr. Ankoma-Sey entered and gave me a big hug along with his smile. He explained that I now only had 2, that is right only 2 masses and they were shrinking, so the chemo is working. He explained that the other mass is a hemangioma on my liver. He hugged me a second time and I thought about how hard his job is. He probably loves it when he gets to be the bearer of good news, unlike the times where he has to tell someone there is no more hope. He also said he might have to come and visit my church because two different people from church had seen him Thursday morning and they both mentioned me!  For the first time since my diagnosis, even 7 and 1/2 years ago, I started believing that my GOD could actually do a complete healing in my body with or without a new liver, my God is that powerful. They approved me to have oral surgery tomorrow:( and we talked about a cardiologist appt I needed to make, and then I didn't even talk to him about my one negative item on my list of questions. I am starting to lose really large clumps of hair, I guess because they used a larger dose of medication, I am not sure. I still have plenty of hair right now, but I can't explain why this made me sad, but it did. I guess because I know I have a really round face and funny shaped skull, so I don't want anyone to have to see it! If it takes me losing my hair to beat this, then bring on the wigs. Seriously, I don't think I will lose all of my hair, but I wanted to share with you that I never realized how important hair is to me. If only the hair on my legs would fall out and stop growing. I have decided that Karen is my lucky charm and she is going to have to go to all my appts with me from now on.

     In the midst of all of this, my wisdom teeth decided to pop out and make an appearance. They are a high risk for infection, so I am having them removed tomorrow morning at 10:00 if you want to say a little prayer. I plan on going back to work on Thursday, so my mouth better cooperate with my plans. I wonder if I will not be as smart once my wisdom teeth are gone? ( Okay, that last sentence was a joke that my dad would tell, so I just wanted to give him a little shout out)

     I don't know if I have ever talked about my cousin Deborah (Karen's little sister) and her husband Henry, but I must tell you about the sweetest thing they did for me. Henry is an unashamed, on-fire for God, can't stop talking about Jesus kind of Christian. He and I have had a connection since the first time I met him. I knew he was meant for something great and I was so glad that my baby cousin picked someone like him to love and share the rest of her life with. Henry called and asked if I could come over to their house one day for prayer and fasting. He asked me what day would work for me and then he invited friends and family over. So, this past Saturday, Deborah cooked a fantastic meal and we all met at 3:00 for food, fellowship, and prayer. I literally sat there in awe of my God and the fact that He has placed me in such an amazing, God-loving family. To share such an intimate moment with my aunt, uncle, cousins, Neill (who should be my cousin by now), my parents, sister, my niece, my son, and my husband. Henry shared scripture from his heart and I simply sobbed through the whole little service. Neill said this wall-shaking prayer that touched my heart. I see why my cousin Karen loves him so much. Praying together, especially out loud, is bonding, it brings your hearts together and solidifies a common goal. All of the people that attended blessed my soul. Daily, I am humbled by all the goodness around me. The blessings in my life heavily outweigh any burdens in my life. I want to sing praise songs all day long.

     I have to run, but I want to tell you about my wonderful friend that came in town this past weekend to visit me, Tricia Green, from Monroe, La. Thanks for reading!

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